Tuesday, December 23, 2014

RMK Gothic Closing

Today I've received a very sad news. RMK Gothic Sim is closing on 28-Dec-2014.
RMK Gothic is one of the very few sim Bubblez has supported as you know I'm always lazy to join many events. I personally love the goth design of the sim. The events they ran are very unique. We don't have many of this kind of sim left in SL and it's unfortunate we will be missing another good sim.

This sim has generated over 48,000++ visitors.
If you haven't been to RMK Gothic Sim, this is your last chance before it's closed.
TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/RMK%20Gothic/77/47/30

RMK Gothic Blog's announcement: http://aoi-rokumeikan.blogspot.com.au/2014/12/rmk-gothic-sim-close-announcement.html